Patient Satisfaction Survey
Please select your age group:
About you:

Think of the last time you needed to see your GP

How easy was it to get through on the telephone?
How easy was it to get an appointment to suit you?
How helpful was the receptionist?
Are you aware of the surgery times?
Are you satisfied with the available times?
Would it be helpful if nurse appointments were available earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon/evening?
Are you aware that you can book six weeks ahead?
Have you had occasion to speak on the telephone to your GP, rather than a face to face appointment?
Was the GP able to deal with your problem over the phone?
Do you visit the surgery website?

Are you aware that if you register on the website, you can:

Book an appointment?
Order repeat prescription medicines?
View your medical records?
How satisfied are you with the general care that you get from the GPs?
How satisfied are you with the general care that you get from the Practice Nurses?

Social Prescribing

The Practice offers a service called Social Prescribing, which enables some patients, where appropriate, to be referred to a range of local non-clinical services. These services are typically provided by voluntary or community sector organisations and are aimed at improving patients’ health and well-being.
Are you aware of this service?
Have you been involved with the Social Prescribing Service?
Are you aware that you can provide feedback via the Friends and Family test? (Website and Forms and Box at Reception)
Which surgery do you usually use?
Please specify your ethnic origin:

Patient Participation Group

The surgery has a lively Patient Participation Group that meets about 4 times per year. It was founded in 2011 and has been responsible for this survey, which influences our Action Plan for the year. We have forged links with other PPGs in the area, Healthwatch Gloucestershire, and the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning group. Find out more on the Phoenix Health Group website. If you are interested in joining, please complete questions a) and b) and leave your name and contact details below:

Would you like to get involved with the Patient Participation Group?

Active Member (Come to meetings, maybe take on a task)
Support Member (Help with one -off activities)